Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mentoring & Learning with Colleagues: Coaching Texts Collection

Coaching Bibliography
Allen, David & Blythe, Tina. (2004). The Facilitator’s Book of Questions: Tools for Looking Together at Student and Teacher Work. Oxford, OH: NSDC.
Allen, Jennifer. (2006). Becoming a Literacy Leader: Supporting Learning and Change. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
Allen, Rick. (2005). Spreading the Word: Literacy Coaches Share Comprehension Strategies. Educational Leadership, 47(2), ASCD.
Alliance for Excellent Education. (2004). Reading Next: A Vision for Action and Research on Middle and High School Literacy. New York, NY: Carnegie Corporation.
Barr, R., Kamil, M.L., Mosenthal, P., & Pearson, P.D. (Eds.). (1991). Handbook of reading research (Vol. 2). White Plains, NY: Longman.
Bean, Rita. (2004). Promoting effective literacy instruction: The challenge for literacy coaches. The California Reader, 34(3), 58 – 83.
Bean, Rita. (2004). The Reading Specialist: Leadership for the Classroom, School, and Community. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Beers, Kylene. (2003). When Kids Can’t Read: What Teachers Can Do. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Benson, Laura. (2000). Going On Rounds. The Communicator. International Reading Association.
Boyles, Nancy. (2004). Constructing Meaning Through Kid-Friendly Comprehension Strategy Instruction. Gainesville, FL: Maupin House.
Boyles, Nancy. (2002). Teaching Written Response to Text: Constructing Quality Answers to Open-Ended Comprehension Questions. Gainesville, FL: Maupin House.
Braddon, Kathryn, Hall, Nancy, & Taylor, Dale. Math through Children’s Literature: Making the NCTM Standards Come Alive. Greenwood Village, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Brown, Dave. (2002). Becoming a Successful Urban Teacher. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Buly, Marsha Riddle, Coskie, Racy, Robinson, LeAnne, Egawa, Kathy, editors. (2004). What Is a Literacy Coach? Voices from the Middle, NCTE, 12(1).
Cameron, Mindy. (2005). The Coach in the Classroom. Northwest Education. NWREL, 10(4).
Casey, Katherine. (2006). Literacy coaching: The essentials. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Conner, Marcia, ed. (1996). Learning: The Critical Technology, 2nd Ed. St. Louis, MO: Wave Technologies International, Inc. *Adult learner and learning profiles
Cooper, Eric. (2005). It Begins with Belief: Social Demography Is Not Destiny. Voices from the Middle, Vol. 13 (1), p. 25-33.
Coskie, Tracy; Robinson, LeAnne; Buly, Marsha Riddle; & Egawa, Kathy, editors. What Makes an Effective Literacy Coach? Voices from the Middle, NCTE, 12(4), 60 - 74.
Costa, A. L. & Garmston, R. J. (1993). Cognitive coaching: A foundation for
renaissance schools. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Inc.
Cushman, K. (1999). Horace. Vol. 15, No. 4 (April). The Cycle of Inquiry and Action: Essential Learning Communities. Oakland, CA: The Coalition of Essential Schools.
Cushman, Kathleen. (2003). Fires in the Bathroom: Advice for Teachers From High School Students. New York, NY: The New Press.
Darling-Hammond, L., Ancess, J., and Falk, B. Authentic Assessment in Action: Studies of Schools and Students at Work. New York: Teachers College Press.
Darling-Hammond, Linda & McLaughlin, M. (1995). “Policies that Support Professional Development in an Era of Reform.” Phi Delta Kappan, 76(8), 597-604.
Dole, Janice. (2004). The changing role of the reading specialist in school reform. The Reading Teacher. IRA. 57, 462-471.
Dole, Janice A. & Donaldson, Rebecca. (2006). “What am I supposed to do all day?”: Three big ideas for the reading coach. The Reading Teacher. IRA, 59(5.9), 486-488.
Dole, Janice A., Liang, Lauren A., Watkins, Naomi M., & Wiggins, Christine M. (2006). The state of reading professionals in the United States. The Reading Teacher, 60(2.10), 194-199.
Doubek, Michael Brandon & Cooper, Eric J. Closing the gap through professional development: Implications for reading research. Reading Research Quarterly. IRA.
Dozier, Cheryl. (2006). Responsive Literacy Coaching: Tools for Creating and Sustaining Purposeful Change. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
Dozier, Cheryl & Rutten, Ilene. Responsive Teaching Toward Responsive Teachers: Mediating Transfer Through Intentionality, Enactment, and Articulation. Journal of Literacy Research, Vol. 37 (4), 459-492.
DuFour, Richard. (2004). Schools as learning communities. Educational Leadership, 61(8), 6 – 11.
DuFour, Richard, DuFour, Rebecca, Eaker, Robert, & Karhanek, Gayle. (2004). Whatever It Takes: How Professional Learning Communities Respond When Kids Don’t Learn. Bloomington, IN: National Educational Service.
DuFour, Richard, Eaker, Robert, and DuFour, Rebecca, eds. (2005). On Common Ground: The Power of Professional Learning Communities. Bloomington, IN: National Education Service.
Duncan, Marilyn. (2007). Instructional Dialogue: Literacy coaches use this method one-on-one. NSDC. www.nsdc.org
Elliott, E. (Ed.). (2003). Assessing education candidate performance: A look at changing practices. Washington, DC: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

Farstrup, A.E., & Samuels, S.J. (Eds.). (2002). What research has to say about reading instruction (3rd ed.). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Fletcher, Ralph. (1991). Walking Trees: Teaching Teachers in the New York City Schools. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Fisher, Douglas. “Coaching Considerations: FAQs Useful in the Development of Literacy Coaching.” Literacy Coaching Clearinghouse.
Frost, Sharon & Bean, Rita. (2006). “Qualifications for Literacy Coaches: Achieving the Gold Standard.” Literacy Coaching Clearinghouse.
Fullan, Michael. (2000). The New Meaning of Educational Change, 3rd ed. New York: Teachers College Press.
Gay, Geneva. (2000). Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, & Practice. New York: Teachers College Press.
Greene, Stuart, & Abt-Perkins, Dawn. (2003). Making Race Visible: Literacy Research for Cultural Understanding. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Hale, Janice. (2001). Learning While Black: Creating Educational Excellence for African American Children. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Harwayne, Shelley. (1999). Going Public: Priorities and Practice at the Manhattan New School. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Hilliard, Asa. (1997). Maintaining the Faith in Teachers’ Ability to Grow: An Interview with Asa Hilliard. Journal of Staff Development, Vol. 18 (2).
Hilliard, Asa. (1997). The Structure of Valid Staff Development. Journal of Staff Development, Vol. 18 (2).
Hilliard, Asa, ed. (1991). Testing African American Students. Chicago, IL: Third World Press.
Hyde, Arthur. Comprehending Math: Adapting Reading Strategies to Teach Mathematics, K – 6. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
International Reading Association. (2004). The Roles and Qualifications of the Reading Coach in the United States. Newark, DE: Author.
International Reading Association. (2006). Standards for Middle and High School Literacy Coaches. Newark, DE: Author.
Jackson, Yvette. (2002). Comprehension and Discipline Literacy: The Key to High School Achievement. Seattle, WA: New Horizons for Learning.
Jackson, Yvette. Unlocking the Potential of African American Students: Keys to Reversing Underachievement. Theory Into Practice, 44(3), 203-210.
Joyce, Bruce and Showers, Beverly. (2002). Student Achievement Through Staff Development, 3rd ed. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Kamil, M.L., Mosenthal, P.B., Pearson, P.D., & Barr, R. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of reading research (Vol. 3). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Killion, Joellen. (2002) What Works in the Elementary School: Results Based Staff Development. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council.
Killion, Joellen. (2002) What Works in the High School: Results Based Staff Development. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council
Kinnucan-Welsch, Kathryn, Rosemary, Catherine A., Grogan, Patricia R. (2006). Accountability by design in literacy professional development. The Reading Teacher, 59(5.2), 426-435.
Kise, Jane. (2006). Differentiated Coaching: A Framework for Helping Teachers Change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Knight, Jim. (2004). Instructional coaches make progress through partnership. Journal of Staff Development, NSDC, 25(2).
Kohn, Alfie (1998) "Students Don't Work, They Learn" from What to Look for in a Classroom and Other Essays. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Ladson-Billings, Gloria. (1994). The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children. . San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Lyons, Carol, & Pinnell, Gay Su. (2001). Systems for Change in Literacy Education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Mann, Augusta. Touching the Spirit. NUA.
National Urban Alliance. (2003). Teacher Self Evaluation. www.nuatc.org.
Neufeld, Barbara & Roper, Dana. (2005). Coaching: A Strategy for Developing Instructional Capacity. Annenberg Foundation. www.annenbergfoundation.org
Neufeld, Barbara & Roper, Dana. (2003). Instructional Coaching: Professional Development Strategies That Improve Instruction. The Aspen Institute Program on Education and The Annenberg Institute for School Reform. www.annenbergfoundation.org
Pearson, P.D. (Ed.). (1984). Handbook of reading research. New York: Longman.
Power, Brenda. (2007). Three Little Phrases No Literacy Coach Can Live Without. www.choiceliteracy.com
Puig, Enrique A. & Froelich, Kathy S. (2007). the Literacy Coach: Guiding in the Right Direction. Boston, MA: Pearson.
Richardson, Joan. (2001). Support System: School improvement plans work best when staff learning is included. Tools for Schools. NSDC.
Ritchhart, Ron. (2002). Intellectual Character. San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass.
Robb, Laura. (2000). Redefining Staff Development: A Collaborative Model for Teachers and Administrators. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Robinson, L., Egawa, K., Riddle Buly, M., & Coskie, T. (2005). FAQs about literacy coaching. Voices from the Middle, 13(1), 66-67.
Robinson, LeAnne K. (2004). From Expert to Coach: The Changing Role of the Reading Facilitator in a School with a Scripted Reading Program. Teacher Resource Collection: Literacy Coaching. NCTE.
Rothstein, Andrew, Rothstein, Evelyn, & Lauber, Gerald. (2007). Write for Mathematics. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.

Ruddell, R.B., Ruddell, M.R., & Singer, H. (1994). Theoretical models and processes of reading (4th ed.). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Russo, Alexander. School-Based Coaching: A revolution in professional development – or just the latest fad? NSDC.
Shanklin, Nancy. (2006). “What are the characteristics of effective literacy coaching?” Literacy Coaching Clearinghouse.
Showers, B. (1985). Teachers coaching teachers. Educational Leadership, 53(6), 12-16.
Showers, B., & Joyce, B. (1996). The evolution of peer coaching. Educational Leadership, 53(6), 12-16.
Singer, H., & Ruddell, R.B. (1976). Theoretical models and processes of reading (2nd ed.). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Singer, H., & Ruddell, R.B. (1985). Theoretical models and processes of reading (3rd ed.). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Snow, C.E., Burns, M.S., & Griffin, P. (1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Stein, Sandra & Gewirtzman, Liz. (2003). Principal Training on the Ground: Ensuring Highly Qualified Leadership. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Sweeney, Diane. (2003). Learning along the way: Professional development by and for teachers. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
Tatum, Alfred. (2005). Teaching reading to black adolescent males: Closing the achievement gap. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
Toll, Cathy A. (2006). The Literacy Coach’s Desk Reference: Processes and Perspectives for Effective Coaching. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
Toll, Cathy A. (2005). The Literacy Coach's Survival Guide: Essential Questions and Practical Answers. Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 2005.
Walpole, Sharon & McKenna, Michael. (2004). The Literacy Coach’s Handbook: A Research-Based Practice. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

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